Looking at the next generation of women of color in adult industry. They can be legendary.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Who Are Porn Fans?

You know I am always looking at the adult stars in the industry but I want to flip the script today. Since the AVN is this week I want to take a look at the thousands of fans that are going to come out for the convention. But let me tell you a story first.

Now I am a Trekkie to my heart. I understand the star date and how to convert it to present calendar form. I understand that Robert April was the first captain of the Enterprise with the registration number of NCC-1701, Constitution class starship. So you see what I mean I was living in New Orleans during the fall of 1984. One Saturday morning I was walking through the convention hall of the Hyatt Hotel and saw on the actor James Doohan, that played Montgomery “Scotty” Scott chief engineer of the USS Enterprise of Star Trek. I couldn’t believe I was seeing Scotty. I just started walking toward the entrance. Someone finally got my attention and told me I need to pay $20.00 to get in. So I paid but once in I thought I had stepped into an episode of the, Twilight Zone. There were some weird looking folks in the place. But I found out that was the décor for a Star Trek convention. I knew I was a Trekkie but I didn’t looking like in of those people. They were a group of wimpy and sad looking folks. I did remember what William Shatner said in a skit he did while hosting Saturday Night Live, he looked in to a room of Trekkie and shouted out, “You people need to get a life”. He really downed them something hard but of course before the skit he said it was all in fun and not to take him seriously. Shatner was smart you don’t bite the hand that feed you.

Now let push the time up ten years to 1994. I am out and Las Vegas and it’s during the time of the AVN convention so I decide to go. I can’t wait to get on the floor but once I got in the fans I saw were surprising. Of course I didn’t expect to see the “Masterpiece Theater” crowd but I didn’t expect to see the Ricky Bobby crew neither. A lot of the porn fans looked uncouth and unpolished individuals. This was before the Internet blitz that brought in a better-looking crowd of people. But I was beginning to understand why porn could be so racist. A lot of people I saw looked like the typical trailer park resident and I could see them being attracted to these types of films. The pornographers know who their market is. I have heard for the longest that the reason the pay-per-view adult channels didn’t show black men and white women together for years was because they didn’t want to upset their southern market.

Lets push time forward to 2004, which was the last time I attended the AVN. The crowd looked a bit more polished and younger and that was because of the power of the Internet. But even with this younger demographic there is still a lot of unnecessary racism in the industry at large. Plus there seems to be an overwhelming desire to make adult women look like they are in there young teens. The “teen” products are fast moving and the market seems to be growing. Who are these people that enjoy this product? Is it the guy that cruise the junior high area looking at the little girls while stroking his dick? Will you soon see him on a NBC’s Dateline bust? Is this the typical porn fan?

Today in the porn world we have what is called extreme content. This is content where women are dehumanized and rape and physical abuse are depicted. I must ask, who are the fans of this type content? Is he the guy that beats his wife then wants to have sex because he is now turned on? Is he the guy that hates women and this content is his fantasy? Even though extreme content bringing unnecessary heat from government law enforcement it is still being produced. Why? Are viewers of extreme content the typical porn fan?

Do you enjoy the form of a woman, her curves, her smooth skin, her lips, and her bewitching eyes? Do you also enjoy watching this beautiful creature being passionate, and being pleased? Do you enjoy watching this sensual creature receive and give pleasure over and over again? Is this the typical porn fan? I don’t know if it’s the typical porn fan but it’s me. Does this make me sick, oversexed, or perverted? My answer to that is no, maybe and the jury is still out.

I think there is absolutely no reason why consenting adults shouldn’t enjoy human sexuality. We are the only animals that have recreational sex. I guess that’s a perk for being able to walk up right. I think I am more into erotica than straight up porn. Porn for me would be anything that dehumanizing, hurtful, and totally disrespectful to women.

Where do you fall as a porn fan?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer chicks without dicks. The creative possibilites are much greater plus the sight of a hairy mans ass or his dick diminish the pleasure i get from watching the movie. Its a bit like watching someone else screw your wife/girlfriend.
I notice there is virtually no black porn that has chicks without dicks....why is that? All of them must show the woman being screwed...white porn on the other hand has bigger variety (check out hegre achives). I think there is a lot of potential in black porn for those who approach it creatively ( e.g using slim black women with plaited hair and african music etc etc).

12:18 AM

Blogger vesuvius said...

It takes all kinds.

2:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo and kudos to you sir. I've become a big fan of your blog. It's nice to see someone else who "gets it"

9:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo and kudos to you sir. I've become a big fan of your blog. It's so nice to see someone else who "gets it"

11:00 AM


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