Looking at the next generation of women of color in adult industry. They can be legendary.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why Does It Seems To Be So Much Hostility Towards Women In The Adult Industry

Since I have been watching the adult industry as a fan and now as one who writes his option about it I have noticed that at best women of the adult industry are disdain and out right hated at worst. It’s a hell of a mindset the porn public has. My big question is why is that? I think it has a lot to do with the fact that so much porn has a main theme of dehumanizing women. Now maybe it’s my twisted logic but I think there’s a big difference between being a sex symbol versus being totally dehumanized. If you feel that a person doesn’t have any human qualities or value then you can treat that individual with disdain even hatred.

A few post ago I wrote and open letter to Aurora Jolie. This is a young 18 year old girl that is in the adult industry and I am one that believe that the adult industry should be for those 21 years of age and older. And I really don’t understand why individuals would really have a problem with this. 18 years of age isn’t the brightest time for many and a decision like entering the adult industry will have lasting affects on you the rest of your life. I don’t know the young lady and whatever happens to her for the most part isn’t going to effect me but I understand that she is still a person. It’s not any type of moral judgment that I am putting down at all. As one that understands the adult industry and how destructive it can be for some I thought she should be given the rest of the story.

Most understood where I was coming from. While others could only see the fact that she was 18. Still others pegged me as “Captain Save A Ho” For those that could only say she was 18 and had the legal right to be in porn I can only say that is right. But again I ask about the maturity level of a young 18-year-old girl. Maybe she’s a run away or just looking to make some money to be on her own. You can’t see how those in the adult industry can use that to their advantage. The adult industry is becoming so pimp like that I bet there a talent agency in the main branch of the Greyhound bus station in Los Angeles. Where do they think these 18-year girls are coming from? Now “Captain Save A Ho”, I really liked and this made me laugh out loud for a minute. One thing I know is that you are what you are. No I don’t think Aurora Jolie isn’t too pretty to be in porn. I wish scores of others were just as pretty. To be totally honest with you it’s not Aurora that I am only concern with as much because she is going to do what she wants any way. I don’t want to be part of an industry that takes advantage of the emotionally immature or that dress up young girls like that to depict under age teenage girls. It could be said that I am trying to save the industry more because they are catering to pedophiles and that’s the bottom line.

I have stated this before and I believed it then and I believe now, the adult industry is sitting itself for failure and attack if they don’t police themselves better. What’s wrong with having some standards? What’s wrong with the age to participate in the industry being 21? What’s wrong with the industry stating they it will not promote anything depicting young women as underage girls? I guess all of this would be like asking garbage not to smell. It’s not going to happen. I will also ask this, what type of fans is the adult industry looking for? Do you really want to cater to the sick individual that gets sexually aroused by looking at young women depicted as underage girls? I am asking. Will I get an answer?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pornography is a business, and business has no inherent morality. Pornography like all business is governed by the rules of supply and demand. There are alot of sick people willing to spend alot of money to see sick things so that is what the industry will give them. The only way to keep 18 year olds out of porn would be to change the laws.

10:16 AM


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