Looking at the next generation of women of color in adult industry. They can be legendary.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Why Black Sexuality So Feared In The Adult Industry

You know I always take a swipe at those in control of the adult industry any time I can. Basically because I think they are the lowest form of organic matter in the universe. I don’t even think the Borg would want to assimilate them. My topic I hope you find to be very interesting. For in an industry that’s all about sex, why does it have a real problem about the sexuality of black people? The problem is so big and feared that the industry perpetuates black folk in the same negative stereotypical light that has shun on black folk almost since the first time they stepped onto these shores of America. This is the 21st century and it time for this non-sense to stop.

In the 1980’s, America seemed ready to celebrate the beauty of black women. You had Vanessa Williams become the first black woman to win the Miss America pageant; Iman was the international spoke person for a worldwide cosmetics firm, and Phylicia Rashad who played, Clair Huxtable, on the Cosby Show was said to be the most beautiful woman on television. During this same time when Hollywood and Madison Avenue was ready to affirm the beauty and sensual qualities of black women, the adult industry was telling Ebony Ayes, Jeannie Pepper, and Angle Kelly that black women just didn’t sell. And because they were black that they wouldn’t be paid the same nor would have the amenities on the set that their white counter parts had, and wouldn’t anyone want to see them on the dance circuit. All three of these adult actresses proved that the powers to be of the adult industry were liars. These women became “undeniable” fans favorite along with becoming producer’s favorite.

Why is it when mainstream media was ready to take notice of black beauty the adult industry was doing everything they could to put it down? It was always blamed it on the general public lack of acceptance of black women. Look at the examples I give earlier about Hollywood and Madison Avenue accepting black women. So it couldn’t have been the general public the adult industry was worrying about. The general public was ready but I think the individuals that controlled the adult industry let personal biases get in the way. Do I think they all got around a table and plotted to keep black women down in some type of conspiracy? Hell no, I know they weren’t that intelligent. It all boils down to individual’s racist’s ideas and they have been accepted and adopted by the industry ever since.

But in today’s world why continue this policy. Maybe one reason is ignorance of the market. Is black sexuality that feared amongst the general population? I am sure there maybe a small group but over all I don’t think so. I still think it’s the small minds in the industry that are not thinking. There nothing wrong with showing the erotic side of black women but placing them in degrading situations is totally unnecessary. It would be a good thing for the adult industry to review how all women are used in the industry. There’s a storm brewing and it’s going to cause a lot of damage. But if the industry would just police itself a little better than the damage doesn’t have to be as bad.

I can place a lot of blame with the black talent that’s in the adult industry right now. If the black male and female talent in the industry stood up and said, “no I am not going to do that”, then conditions would change. Male talent in the industry can’t be replaced that easy. Many think they can perform in front of the camera but it easily said than done. Why do you think you see the same guys over and over again? If black talent decided that as a group they wanted to see black sexuality presented in a better light it would happen. Established black female talent should be the first to stand up and say no. Your talent has been proving and producers want you in their projects. Just let them know that you aren’t going to do anything that’s degrading to you. And when you see a young girl new to the business let her know some of the dos and don’ts. I want to leave this to all black talent, “when you stand up no one will be able to ride your back”

I still want to know why black sexuality is so feared in the adult industry? I don’t have a clue as to why that is. Maybe someone in the industry with influence and power will answer this question. Do you think this would be possible?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

very true. i think its great that you seem to notice this too.

julius ceazher

4:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about the same thing my self, and I agree with your comments. I think it is due to racist and closed minded preferences of those in control of the big budget production studios. The same companies who have not only hired but promoted the hell out of performers who refuse to do interracial scenes even at the date in time.
On a related note though I have to say it is good to see a lot of black performers starting to take control and produce there own websites and videos.

8:24 AM


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