Looking at the next generation of women of color in adult industry. They can be legendary.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Where Is The Creativity In Black Erotica?

Is creativity a bad word as far as black erotica? If you are a producer or director does it make you a wimp if you don’t follow the standard template? Can anyone tell me what’s the fear in being creative or bold? For me the biggest disappointment is knowing that there are black producers and directors that treat or I should say mistreat black erotica and black talent as much as their white counter parts.

Now I can hear the mental midgets saying, “We are getting paid”. And to that I say, sure sex sells but if you put a little strategy to it you would be getting paid even more. Black producers so use to getting the crumbs of the industry that they can’t even conceive of getting an entire slice of the pie? I mean just how deep does this inferiority complex run? And I want to put the light on all the black producers and directors that are in the position to be a catalyst for change. What I really want to know is how can any black producer or director help facilitate the degrading of black women in the adult industry? Are you really that stupid or you don’t have the guts to say, “no I am not going to do that”?

Black erotica should be a place for women of color, especially black women to come and work and be treated with professionalism. That’s all anyone in this industry can ask for. Black erotica has been largely ignored by the mainstream adult industry for years. There was never a large available market for it in the past. Now there is a nice sized market that is being courted and black producers and directors should take advantaged of it. I think the best way to do that is to treat this market with respect. Showcase beautiful black women in the best light possible. Show them to be sexy, sensual, and passionate beings that they are. Black erotica can be hot, sexy and even nasty but it doesn’t have to be degrading. And don’t let anyone tell you that it has to be because it doesn’t. You don’t have to take someone else image and project it through your work.

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Blogger jimmyd said...

You're right on the money. And it's not just white producers and directors who are guilty of racial bias in XXX flicks. We're all guilty-- blacks, whites, everyone. I've been guilty of it. Don't know what the answer is but let me just say, "Welcome to the blogosphere!" I hope you'l bring a fresh perspective to this thing we do.


3:26 PM


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