Looking at the next generation of women of color in adult industry. They can be legendary.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The State Of Black Erotica In The Adult Indutry July 2007

For the most part I think the state of black erotica is no better nor worse than the state of the adult film industry in general. One thing has changed and that’s the validation of the black market. So almost every company in the industry have started a “black division”, something that was long over due. I thought greed by the larger companies in the adult industry would have led them to do this years ago. Greed I thought would have over taken any racist notions those bastards may have had. But that hasn’t been the case for the largest production companies in the industry. The entrepreneurship sprint in the adult industry is alive and well and it’s because of this black erotica is plentiful.

The best example of pure capitalism is the adult industry. You produce a product and take it to market and the market place says yea or nea. What I like about the adult industry is that anyone can bring his or her product to the market. What I hate about the adult industry is that anyone can bring his or her product to the market. The market for black erotica is over saturated. It’s sort of like Chinese farmed seafood; it’s plenty of it on the shelves but do you really want to take it home and eat it. In black erotica the black woman has been reduced to a big ass. Its one thing about people in this industry and that is if they see something is working everyone is going to copy it. So there’s no need for creativity and trust me there isn’t any coming. Lack of creativity is throughout the adult industry and not just in black erotica. Because of the market saturation it’s very difficult to differentiate yourself from the pack. And when everyone is doing the same thing it almost impossible. It so boring watching some female oil up her ass and shake for the first 5 minutes of the scene. Like is there anything new that can be done. But as long as the simple minds are at work it looks like that’s the ticket for now. You have attractive black talent in the business right now. I remember during the mid-90s it looked like they were picking woman off the corner and using them in movies. That’s when I stop watching porn and didn’t come back until the first part of the 2000s. Attractive black women in the adult industry have always sold even when the insiders of the adult industry would tell them something totally different.

To make black erotica better it’s really going to be up to the fans to force the hands of producers. Bottom line; stop buying an inferior product. Only when fans of black erotica say, “I am not buying this garbage”, then and only then will producers change. You see that’s the only thing they seem to understand. You ask them to change what they are doing now the first thing they are going to tell you is, “this is what’s selling”. So you have to show them. Keep your money in your pocket until a better product is produced. But it’s the fans that are the problem I see. If you don’t know anything about the 80s and adult stars like Ebony Ayes, Nina DePonca, or Jeannie Pepper in her prime then you can’t miss what you haven’t seen. These ladies proved that porn could be good and a little script could go alone way. I feel the market place for the most part is use to the dumb down version of adult film, “gonzo”. If gonzo is all that you know then you wouldn’t know good black erotica if it hit you in the face. It’s like making pancakes from mix that you just add water to versus making them from scratch. When you have to make pancakes from scratch it’s a little more time consuming and a bit more effort but the final product taste so much better than the instant pancakes. Most of the producers today wouldn’t know how to make a real film. But gonzo is so easy and it’s making money so why would the simple minds want to try anything different. It’s not going to happen unless the fan base demands it. I am ready to start the boycott now. We can call it the, “Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets”, campaign. Be a force for change now.

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