How Prevalent Is The Down Low In The Adult Industry?
About a year ago I had rented an adult video and while watching it I got a funny vibe from the guy that was in the video. It was something about his movements and his response to his female partner that just didn’t sit well with me. He had no joy on his face and it was as if he couldn’t wait for the scene to end. Now I’m use to seeing someone like Mr. Marcus that has a grin on face from the time he starts until he finishes. You know Mr. Marcus loves his job. After looking at the scene I placed the weird behavior to the guy not being into the girl. “Boy was I right”. A few months after I had seen this scene I read that because of medication like Viagra gay guys were crossing over from gay films to work in heterosexual films. After I read that things started to make sense. It was a few more times that I saw guys with women that didn’t seem too happy to be there. Now how much more screwed up can the adult industry become in allowing this?
Let me get this out here quick. The women in the adult industry should get together and sue any production companies that allow this to take place. I think you would have a strong case for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. When you have gay guys working in heterosexual films and the women have no idea then the production companies are taking the women lives in their hands. The people in this industry can be so under handed. Female talent should at least have the right to say yea or nay to working with gay guys. Why should anyone have the right to play with someone else life?
I am asking myself why would production companies hire gays to be in their projects for the heterosexual market? For the most part I think people can tell when there isn’t any effort in the scene. Is there a need to do this? Aren’t there enough straight males to hire? But you know I have asked why is there so much anal sex in films for the heterosexual market? What’s going in the adult industry? I have more questions than I have answers. But there is no reason for female talent to be exposed to gay men without being told. I do think these gay guys should be pointed out for the adult industry fans to know who they are. You noticed I haven’t used the term bi for the sample reason I don’t believe there’s any such animal. If you are male and enjoy sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass by a man then you are gay. You just don’t have the courage to be honest and live openly gay. Gays should stick with doing gay films. They shouldn’t be able to risk the lives of female talent because they are afraid to be themselves.

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how is it putting the women lives in danger ? Isn't every body who does porn supposed to be tested monthly ?
3:22 AM
Yes there is testing but remember the AIDS out break a few years ago. Testing to me just isn't all that reliable.
9:50 AM
Its interesting that you have this opinion, but still promote and support one of the most in denial black male performers that is "on the DL."
Is promoting the movies he makes any worse and should you be sued as an accomplice to aggravated assault ?
By the way I agree with some of your thoughts but you need to check who you promote before throw stones in a glass house.
10:14 AM
My goal for this blog is to start conversations. My statements arise from observations that I made from watching some male talent that didn't seem to be into his scene at all. Then I read something that made me understand what was going on. Gays were being hired to perform in straight films. I don't think that's right or fair to the female talent in the adult industry. I feel they should have the right to say yea or ney to working with gay guys or those that would be considered on the "DL".
Now I have heard certain things, was lead to read between the lines of others statements, and read a few other things. But logic dictates that there can only be two ways to substantiate if someone is on the "DL". One, you catch them in a compromising position or two, you find yourself in a compromising position with that person. Anything else is all speculation. I refuse to let my blog turn into a rumor mill. So useless individuals are willing to identify themselves and would be willing to tell others what you saw or what position he had you in then rumors are not welcome. Understand I'm not saying that your statement isn't true I just don't have any proof to take any action.
3:11 PM
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